Background: Dengue virus is a significant pathogen responsible for various infections, particularly in healthcare environments, and presents substantial treatment challenges. The necessity for effective antiviral agents against Dengue is critical. Ion Gel ZCM-25® is a novel antiviral topical gel specifically formulated to combat such pathogens.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the antiviral efficacy of Ion Gel ZCM-25® against the Dengue Virus Type 2 strain (ATCC VR-1584), following the guidelines established in the Mexican Standard NMX-BB-040-SCFI-1999 for germicidal product evaluation.
Methods: A quantitative assay was performed using a specified inoculum concentration of Dengue Virus, which was applied to 100 g of Ion Gel ZCM-25®. The antiviral efficacy was determined by calculating the percentage reduction in viral load, measured in Colony Forming Units per milliliter (CFU/mL), at specified time intervals (10 minutes and 24 hours) post-application.
Results: Ion Gel ZCM-25® demonstrated significant antiviral activity against Dengue Virus. The viral load was reduced by 99.999% within the first 10 minutes, and this reduction was maintained throughout the 24-hour study period.
Conclusion: Ion Gel ZCM-25® exhibits potent antiviral properties against the Dengue Virus Type 2 strain (ATCC VR-1584), underscoring its potential as an effective topical antiviral agent in healthcare settings and broader clinical applications.