Antiviral Activity of Ion Gel ZCM-25® on SARS-CoV-2 Equine Viral Arteritis

Antiviral Activity of Ion Gel ZCM-25® on SARS-CoV-2 Equine Viral Arteritis


Study Title: Antiviral Activity of Ion Gel ZCM-25® on SARS-CoV-2

Author: Laboratory of Immunological Specialties. LEI. Principle Investigator M. en C. Israel Velázquez Martínez. (2020).

Methods: The methodology used was made according to the proposal by LABORATORIOS DE ESPECIALIDADES INMUNOLOGICAS, S.A. DE C.V. The executed method has an objective to quantify the virucidal activity of the substance Ion Gel ZCM-25®.

Results: Viral elimination rate of more than 99.9999% of viral particles after 10 minutes of contact.  Log reduction >6,549. Additional data shows that an extremely low cellular toxicity is reported.

Conclusions: During the analysis, it was determined that the substance has antiviral activity and causes a log reduction of equine arteritis virus greater than 6,549. This result implies that Ion Gel ZCM-25® complies with the specifications of the EPA (2000) to support its virucidal activity and means that it eliminates more than 99.9999% of viral particles on a surface after 10 minutes of contact.